Creating A Wealthy Mindset
"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he"
Proverbs 23:7
Proverbs 23:7
The following table was published in a book titled" Life's Greatest Opportunity" written by Virend Singh, a network marketer who teaches this concept of a wealthy mindset.
The Wealthy Mindset
Have a delayed gratification mindset, settling for short-term pain for long-term gain.
A wealthy mindset is willing to take risks with the understanding that failure/losing is part of the process of winning. Hence, they are early adapters, taking advantage of a new opportunity before others realize it potential.
Have a positive attitude, using language such as:
"If others can do it, so can I." "I'll make time." "What's it worth in the long term?" Are decisive. They are quick to decide and slow to change their minds. They know that their destinies are shaped in their moments of decision. Indecision leads to in-action which, in turn, leads to unfavorable results.
Seek opportunity. They want to develop, achieve, and excel. They do what the majority are unwilling (not unable, just unwilling) to do. They realize that people who play it safe continually miss opportunities and seldom make progress.
Take responsibility for their circumstances. They know that"when you choose the behavior, you choose the circumstances." Hence they create their own circumstances by choosing actions that support their goals. The wealthy mindset attitude is "if it is to be, it's up to me."
Those with a wealthy mindset make it happen. They know that success must be summoned; it won't come unbidden. They have plans. They can tell you where they are going and how they are going to get there.
Understand and apply the law of 'Cause & Effect', as you sow, so shall you reap. They know they must give to receive-e.g. one must give respect before they receive respect. One must give value to receive value.
Mind their own business. They build business and use the power of leverage/compounding to earn residual income.
See with their minds what others miss with their eyes, hence recognizing potential where others don't.
Have a sense of urgency. All successful people are driven by sense of urgency to produce results.
Have a sense of team and a common purpose. They believe in synergy; combining and sharing the work effort.
Persist until they succeed. Like a child learning to walk, every time they fall down, they get up quickly and keep trying until they get it right.
They are results orientated and perform activities that produce the results they desire, resulting in a high quality of life. They plan their work and then execute this plan.
Have more money at the end of the month, i.e. they have money left over at the end of the month that they can invest or spend as they wish.
Focus on 'quality of life'. They will retire in comfort, maintaining their standard of living and generally enjoying more free time and better than average health.
The Poor Mindset
Having an immediate gratification mindset settling for short-term gain for long-term pain.
The general population avoid risk because of the fear of failure or loss. They wait to see what everybody else is doing, then do the same by which time it is too late to capitalize on a new opportunity.
Have a negative attitude, using language such as:
"I can't, it's too hard." "I don't have time." "I can't afford it, it's too expensive." Are indecisive-they are slow to decide and quick to change their minds because, once they have decided, they start to worry if they have made the right decision. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are inherent in their personality.
Seek security. They desire a safe, secure profession/job but such a thing is virtually non-existent today, and if it was, it would provide little chance of attaining financial independence.
Do not always take responsibility for their circumstances. When things aren't as they would like to them to be, they sometimes try to justify their situation. Some even blame others: the government, their employer, their teachers, parents/children etc.
The general population let it happen. Many have no definite plans for the future or they simply don't execute their plans, hence they fit into someone else's plans.
They expect to receive value before they will give value.
Mind somebody else business. They work hard for some body else trading hours for dollars by earning a linear income paying up to 50% of their income in taxes.
See only with their eyes, often missing opportunities for improving their circumstances in life.
They tend to procrastinate. They wait until all the conditions are right before taking action.
They do it all themselves, hence they don't often achieve the big outcomes they aspire to.
Quit at the first sign of defeat. As soon as they encounter setbacks, they give up. They say" it's too hard. It hurts too much. I give up."
They are activity orientated, confusing being busy with progress. They are so busy being busy, that they lose sight of what they are trying to accomplish.
They live from pay check to pay check. More often than not their money runs out before the end of the month.
Focus on 'standard of living'. Some will work their entire life. The majority will find that their standard of living will drop 40-75%. When they retire they will struggle to make ends meet, depending on welfare or the good will of others for their existence.
Are you willing to change your future? If so, it starts within your mind. The right mindset towards wealth is the first step to success and action is the second step to obtain it. What good does it do to have a wealthy mindset, but no action to follow through on what you say you believe? Learn more about the perks of Network Marketing from Robert Kiyosaki and see why he strongly suggests you take a second look into the business. Get your CD today and start your journey towards wealth tomorrow!