Why Silver & Gold Is Important
Gold and silver is not about making money, but preserving your wealth outside from the debt base paper system we have today. Having tangible assets that can maintain its value during a crisis, is important to protect your wealth in the current economy. It's important to get educated concerning the monetary system so you can protect yourself and help others do the same.
There is a lot of information on the internet about precious metals & the economic crisis that is looming ahead. The main goal is to gain some understanding about the basics on:
Here are some videos that are very powerful and straight forward that will help you on the way. My goal is to give you a starting point that will guide you to continue your own training and be able to teach others on what you know.
Remember, these are problems that majority of people are facing today. Now you can tell them how to get out of it and present your business/products.
“Those that have Silver and Gold when the collapse occurs will be on the receiving end of the greatest wealth transfer in human history.” - Mike Maloney - founder, owner GoldSilver.com, author and precious metals expert
- What is money?
- How did we get here?
- How to protect my wealth?
Here are some videos that are very powerful and straight forward that will help you on the way. My goal is to give you a starting point that will guide you to continue your own training and be able to teach others on what you know.
Remember, these are problems that majority of people are facing today. Now you can tell them how to get out of it and present your business/products.
“Those that have Silver and Gold when the collapse occurs will be on the receiving end of the greatest wealth transfer in human history.” - Mike Maloney - founder, owner GoldSilver.com, author and precious metals expert
Hidden Secrets of Money
The Dollar Trouble & Inflation
The Tariffs & Trade Wars
The System & Buying Precious Metals